Getting the Knack of Delegation Spikes Business Success

Getting the Knack of Delegation Spikes Business Success

Getting The Knack of Delegation Spikes Business Success

Why Delegate?

Getting the knack of delegation spikes business success.

Delegation: Getting the Knack of Delegation Spikes Business Success

For managers, delegation means taking those tasks you are not good at doing, don't like to do, or that someone else could do better, and giving them to another team member to complete.


The advantages of delegating are two-fold. It frees you up to focus on higher-value activities that grow the business, and it empowers your employees to contribute, broaden their skills and feel a sense of autonomy.

It's hard to let go.

Delegating is one of the most powerful ways a business owner can grow a business, but it is the hardest to put into practice. Why?


Because for most business owners—who have put their heart and soul into growing a business from the ground up—it's hard to let go. Why?


Here are a few other reasons most business owners are resistant to delegating:

  • They don't trust that someone else can do the job right
  • They believe it will take more time to explain how to do something than to do it themselves
  • They feel guilty adding more work to team members who are already overwhelmed
Getting the Knack of Delegation Spikes Business Success: Bottleneck Quote

How to delegate effectively

I understand the reservations most business owners have, and here are some tips to delegate effectively:

Decide what to delegate.

Not everything should be delegated. Assess your strengths, weaknesses, what you enjoy doing and what you are good at. Also, consider those repeatable administrative tasks that occur every month. Those are tasks worthy of delegating.

Know your team members' strengths.

If you have a team member who is good with numbers and you hate balancing the books, delegate that responsibility to them. If you have a customer service superstar who has a goal to get into sales, assign them an account to manage. Team members who feel heard, challenged, and motivated have a higher chance of excelling. This benefits your entire business.

Provide direction – but don't hover.

It's your job to give your team members the resources, training, and accountability to be a success. Yes, it will take time to show them how to do a task. But this time has a return on investment. Be there to support them as they learn and fight the urge to micromanage.

Communicate expectations.

Clarity, transparency, and good communication lead to success in delegation. Discuss what you expect from your team members, be clear about deadlines, and give them a way to reach out if they have questions along the way. Accountability is paramount.

Your business will grow when you delegate

Delegation gives you more bandwidth to think creatively, develop new ideas, and take the business to the next level. This can't happen if you are drowning in the details.


I get that you can't just delegate to anyone. You must make an informative, strategic decision on who can be trusted with important parts of your organization.

Getting the Knack of Delegation Spikes Business Success: Learn How To Delegate

A certified online business manager can help

Running a business can be lonely. It's on your shoulders to move things forward, ensure the team has what they need, and lay out solid systems and a foundation for sustainable success.

Coaches, mastermind groups, and other strategic support are essential to business owners, but they aren't IN the business with you every day.

This is where a Certified Online Business Manager (OBM) can help.

A Certified OBM is IN your business with you, managing the day-to-day activities as part of your team. They are rolling up their sleeves to drive projects, ensuring your goals are being met, and caring about your success as much as you do.

If the weight of your business is too heavy and you're ready to delegate and grow, give Healthy Business Manager a call. I show up for your business in service of your mission and your clients every day.

Top 3 Business System Secrets Your Business Needs to Thrive

Healthy Business Manager Free System Secrets

You deserve to have a business that thrives. 

Discover the top three secrets to setting up a system and process that will allow your business to scale.  

Are you ready to delegate to spike your business goals?

If the weight of your business has become heavier and you're ready to delegate and grow, give Healthy Business Manager a call. I show up for your business in service of your mission and your clients every day.


Carol Frankenstein OBM
Carol Frankenstein, OBM

Experienced online entrepreneurs are often stressed and exhausted because they are juggling everything in the business.  I partner with owners to get results by managing operations. 

Bottlenecks are busted so they have the energy to focus on growth. 

Grow Your Business. Take Back Your Life.

Certified Online Business Manager for Experienced Entrepreneurs Who Want a Strong Business. This could also be where you add your one-liner.

You deserve to have a business that thrives.