Decision Fatigue Impacts Your Business

Decision Fatigue Impacts Your Business in 4 Ways

Decision Fatigue Impacts Your Business in 4 Ways – Part 1 Decision fatigue impacts your business in sneaky ways.   Did you know that from the time we wake up until the time we fall asleep, the average person makes 35,000 decisions?   Some decisions are as trivial as which pair of shoes to wear…

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5 Signs It’s Time to Hire an Online Business Manager

How do I know when I'm ready to hire an Online Business Manager?

5 Signs It’s Time to Hire an Online Business Manager You’ve started a business and it’s growing. You’re exceeding your goals, helping customers, and doing what you love.   The problem is, there is only one of you. And you’re not sure how big or how busy you need to be before hiring an Online…

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Surprising Vital Differences Between OBMs and VAs


Surprising vital differences between OBMs and VAs can be used strategically to get results for your business. The surprising vital differences between OBMs and VAs are often unfamiliar to business owners. When I talk with other business owners about my career as an Online Business Manager, I often hear, “Oh yes, I understand what you…

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Achieving Sustainable Growth for Your Business

Achieving Sustainable Growth

Achieving sustainable business growth is a major stressor for many business owners. It’s no wonder they often want to talk about sustainable growth. And who can blame them? It’s likely that every business owner wants to grow and scale, but many are not sure how much or how fast to grow. If they grow too…

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How Do I Know If I’m Ready for a Certified OBM®?

Carol Frankenstein, OBM

Clients are ready to hire a Certified Online Business Manager (Certified OBM®) when they realize: “I’m so overwhelmed and just can’t do this on my own anymore – help!” “I’m making a good living, but just can’t seem to make my business grow.” “I’m working with several contractors, but they aren’t delivering what I need.…

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What is an Online Business Manager?

What is an OBM, what is an online business manager

What is an Online Business Manager? Recently, someone asked me what I do as an Online Business Manager (Certified OBM®), aka Virtual COO. The focus is keeping an eye on the big picture and thinking ahead. Then, managing all the pieces of the business (projects, team, operations, metrics, expenses). This drives progress to achieve the…

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